may-may-English diary


2019/ 08/ 09 May English Club

words and expressions restriction(s) --------> (名詞)制限を加えるもの mass shooting -------> 銃乱射事件 assault gun ------> 突撃砲 carbonic acid -----> 炭酸 bubbly ------> 炭酸水 動体視力------> dynamic vision hand-eye coordination​ -----…

2019/ 08/ 02 May English club

words and expressions 情報操作-----> media manipulation 内部告発者------> wistle-blower (戦争に関する)中立状態-----> neutrality 中立的な立場をとる、どっちつかず------> sit on the fence 賛成か反対かの優柔不断-------> wishy washy 臭いもの…

2019/ 07 /26 May English club

pandemic ------> 世界的な大流行 epidemic -------> (形容詞)流行性の、伝染性の (名詞)流行、伝染病 endemic ------> 風土病 病気が広がる度合いは 程度でいうと、endemic < epidemic < pandemic という考え方 top up (英)-------> charge (米) お…

2019/07/19 May English Club

words and expressions silver lining ----> 希望の兆し、どんな困難な悪い状況のときにも何かしら良いことはある knock on wood -----> 幸運を祈る a therapy dog -----> セラピードッグ limber-----> (名詞)砲車の前車、(形容詞)柔軟な (動詞)考え方…

2019/ 07 /12 May English club

words and expressions isolate ------> (動詞)分離する、~を区分けする (名詞)孤立している人 (形容詞)孤立した、隔絶された boil -----> (名詞)炎症性の腫物、おでき pimple -----> 吹き出物 erupt ------> 発疹する babymoon ------> 妊娠中、また…

2019/07/03 Book Club

(The Great Gatsby) & (one coin lesson) take the blame -------> 罪をかぶる Gatsby covered for her. ------> ギャッビーは彼女をかばった She had a hit-and-run accident. bully psychopath -----> サイコパス、精神病質者 chase a dream puppy love co…

2019/06/28 May English Club

I feel dull ------> だるい jet-setter ------> 飛行機で飛び回っている人 facade -------> (仏語)見せかけ、 正面 見せかけ-------> fake 暴動------> riot 暴力事件、凶悪なdull ------> だるい jet-setter ------> 飛行機で飛び回っている人 facade --…

2019/ 06/ 21 May English Club

words and expressions 養蜂家------> a beekeeper / apiarist / 固有名詞------> proper noun ダンクシュート------> dunk shot dunk ------> 浸す、つける (スポーツの試合開始の呼び方) soccer ------ kick off baketball ------ tip off baseball ----…

2019/ 06/ 14 May English Club

words and expressions I won't make it. ------> 出席しません make it -------> come or attend 来る、出席する、間に合う、都合がつく Something came up. -------> 用事ができた rough day ------> 大変な一日 on the verge of doing ------> ~になる危…

2019/ 06/ 07 May English Club

words and expressions living in a bubble -----> safe jackknife -------> (verb) to bend in the middle like a folding jackknifeespecially of a large truck : to have the back part slide out of control toward the front part ex) The truck jackk…

2019/ 06/ 12 Book Club

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Words and expressions So clean you can eat off of it. : very clean eat off VS eat on eat off : テーブルに置いてあるものを手やフォークを使って食べる eat on: 顔をテーブルに近づけて直接食べる polish out…

2019/ 05/ 31 May English Club

words and expressions gout ------> 痛風 I have gout in my big toes joint. It can be caused by dehydration, too much beer, fried foods, eggs, lack of exercise or sweet foods. uric asid ------> 尿酸 egg nog ------> 卵酒 nightcap ------> 寝酒…

2019/ 05 /17 May English club

words and expressions thrifty ------> (形容詞)倹約的な、つつましい frugality ------->( 名詞)倹約、質素 obituary --------> お悔み欄 burst into laughing / burst out laughing -------> 爆笑する supporting actor --------> 脇役 disgusting --…

2019/ 05/ 10 May English Club

words and expressions shingles : a disease that causes pain and red marks on your skin along the path of a nerve -------> 帯状疱疹 rash ------> 発疹 chicken pox -------> みずぼうそう measles: a disease that causes a fever and red spots on …

2019/ 04 /26 May English Club

words and expressions compartmentalized -------> 区分化された moody -------> (人が)不機嫌な、気分の変わりやすい short temper ------> 短気、怒りっぽい性質 lose one's temper ------> すぐに起こる、気が短い、腹を立てる、キレる spank ------> (…

2019/ 04/ 19 May English Club

words and expressions crimson -------> 赤、深紅の sea lion ------> アシカ、トド bizarre -------> 奇妙な slingshot --------> 石などを飛ばすためのパチンコ (銃弾) primer ----> 下図参照 shell ------> カートリッジ bullet-------> 銃弾 鉛-------…

2019/ 04/12 May English club

words and expressions red neck ------> 〔無学の白人〕労働者 (軽蔑的な言い方だが広く使われている) 青二才--------> wet behind the ears, a greenhorn, black sheep -------> 家族の厄介もの、面汚し white elephant ------> 使い道がないのに維持費が…

2019/04/05 May English club

words and expressions consideration ------> 考慮、熟慮、思いやり、心遣い conjecture -------> (不確実な情報に元づく)憶測、推測、憶測する、推測する to try to please someone -------> 誰かを喜ばせようとする(忖度と言える?) She was just tryi…

2019/3/29 May English Club

words and expressions cruise -----> to travel on a boat or ship to a number of places as a vacation He dreams of cruising the Mediterranean. 狂犬病------> rabies 狂犬病の犬------> a mad dog 狂犬病のワクチンのため犬を獣医さんへ連れて行きま…

2019/03/22 May English Club

words and expressions Caucasian-----> a person who has white or pale skin : a white person According to a native speaker in English who is our language partner, you can call 黒人 'black' but you should not call them 'colored.' However, you…

2019/03/15 May English Club

words and expressions basin ------> 盆地、滝つぼ、すり鉢状の How would you say '迫力がある’ in English? impressive, dynamic, breathaking, gigantic, speachless ? bucket list -------> a list of things that one has not done before but wants t…

2019/03/08 May English Club

words and expressions It's my beater bike. my beater bike means for daily use. beat ----> defeat, hit, music, tone beater-----> US, informal : an old car that is in poor condition / おんぼろ beater cellphone My Bianchi is my fun bike. tour…

2019/03/01 May English club

(words and expressions) ore -----> 鉱石 altitude -----> 海抜、標高、高所 glacier -------> 氷河 side effect(s) -------> 副作用 counterfeit money ------> 贋金 canned mackeral --------> 鯖缶 gap between the rich and the poor ---------> 貧富の…

2019/02/22 May English club

(Words and Expressions) It's finger lickin' good -----> KFC nibbles : to eat slowly or with small bites finget food Put someone on the spot : to ask someone a question that is difficult or embarrassing to answer You put me on the spot. Don…