may-may-English diary


2019/02/22 May English club

(Words and Expressions)

It's finger lickin' good -----> KFC

nibbles : to eat slowly or with small bites

finget food


Put someone on the spot : to ask someone a question  that is difficult or embarrassing to answer

You put me on the spot.

Don't put me on the spot


brain teaser :the favorite type of puzzles for many people

common understanding : 共通の理解

critic : 批評家

low-key : quiet and relaxed : not very forceful, emotional, or noticeable

designated :指定された

something : (代名詞)何か、ちょっとしたこと、~かいくらか  (名詞)すごいこと、大切なもの(人)

That's something. (God Father 3の中でマイケルの言葉)「うれしいね(日本語字幕)」

PUDO : Put Up Drop Off 

whiteout :  a type of snowstorm in which blowing or falling snow and clouds make it very difficult to see

icicle(s) : a hanging piece of ice formed when water freezes as it drips down from something (such as a roof)

lump:  an area of swelling or growth on your body

I got lost : 道に迷いました

I am lost : 道に迷っています

slip VS skid  車が滑った(スリップした)ときはskid

get away with: 逃れる、免れる、罰されずに済む、持ち逃げする。何か悪い事をして、それから罰せられずに逃れる、などという時に使う。

How would you say "往生際が悪い” in English? 


(Discusson topics) 

#1. Have you ever gotten away with anything, like a speeding ticket?

#2. Do you think you can get away with not having a car in the city you live in? 

