may-may-English diary



2019/ 06/ 14 May English Club

words and expressions I won't make it. ------> 出席しません make it -------> come or attend 来る、出席する、間に合う、都合がつく Something came up. -------> 用事ができた rough day ------> 大変な一日 on the verge of doing ------> ~になる危…

2019/ 06/ 07 May English Club

words and expressions living in a bubble -----> safe jackknife -------> (verb) to bend in the middle like a folding jackknifeespecially of a large truck : to have the back part slide out of control toward the front part ex) The truck jackk…

2019/ 06/ 12 Book Club

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Words and expressions So clean you can eat off of it. : very clean eat off VS eat on eat off : テーブルに置いてあるものを手やフォークを使って食べる eat on: 顔をテーブルに近づけて直接食べる polish out…

2019/ 05/ 31 May English Club

words and expressions gout ------> 痛風 I have gout in my big toes joint. It can be caused by dehydration, too much beer, fried foods, eggs, lack of exercise or sweet foods. uric asid ------> 尿酸 egg nog ------> 卵酒 nightcap ------> 寝酒…