may-may-English diary


2019/ 06/ 07 May English Club

words and expressions


living in a bubble -----> safe

jackknife -------> (verb) to bend in the middle like a folding jackknife
especially of a large truck : to have the back part slide out of control toward the front part

ex) The truck jackknifed on the icy road.

replication ------> to repeat or copy

lopsided ------>  uneven or unequal

liberal (改革主義) ⇔ conservative (保守)

atheist --------> a person who believes that God does not exist — compare agnostic

unspoken rule

Idc : I don't care

proof of purchase ------> 購入証明書、レシート

transparent --------> able to be seen through

burnable -------> 燃やすことのできる

think outside the box ------> If you think outside the box, your thoughts are not limited or controlled by rules or tradition, and you have ideas that are creative and unusual.





Plastic shopping bags

Japan plans to make it mandatory to charge for plastic shopping bags at supermarkets, convenience stores, drugstores and department stores as the country combats marine pollution from plastic waste. (The Japan Times)

#1 What do you think about plastic bags?

#2 Do you think shops need to give plastic (or any) bags to customers?