may-may-English diary



2019/10/29 English group lesson.

words and expressions Alzheimer ------> アルツハイマー much easier ------> ずっと楽、ずっと易しい ear infection -----> 耳感染、つまり中耳炎 antibiotec ------> (発音:エンタイバイオティック)-----> 抗生物質 hanging on ------> 壁にかかってい…

2019/ 10/11 May English Club

banner ------> 横断幕、垂れ幕 How do you say "不要不急の外出を控える" in English? - If it's not urgent, you should be at home. (?) (Discussion) Do you have an annual event something like Halloween in Japan? Why are there so many small stat…

2019/ 10/18 Book Club and Special Class

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Did he shrink or disappear in the endding? Did he die? Why do you think he died? Did he go back to the woman? grateful person = 感謝している人 偏見---> prejudice H/W Why could he read at 0 year old? What…

English Club in September 2019

words and expressions derogatory -----> 軽蔑的な、相手を見下した Discussion Why is there so much advertising on the trains in Japan? I saw a child on the train all by himself. Is this normal in Japan? Why do Japanese taxi doors open automa…