may-may-English diary


English group lesson

2020/ 02/25 Group Lesson

BBQ Scene Questions 1, Who is planting in the garden 2, Who is in the field? 3, Who is in the tree? 4, Who is cooking/ grilling ? 5, Where is the child? 6, Where is the man? 7, Where are the flowers? 8, Where is the banana? 9, What is the …

2020/ 01 /21 English group lesson

Little Red Riding Hoodを絵を見ながら説明する (基本的な用語) 赤ずきんちゃん--------> Little red riding hood *Riding Hoodとは乗馬用のマントのこと フード付きの服------> hoody(フーディ―) 言葉、文章で説明する。絵を言葉で表現する(描写する)-…

2019/ 11/19 English group lesson

missionary : a person who is sent to a foreign country to do religious work (such as to convince people to join a religion or to help people who are sick, poor, etc.)a Christian missionary hearing aid :an electronic device worn in or on th…

2019/10/29 English group lesson.

words and expressions Alzheimer ------> アルツハイマー much easier ------> ずっと楽、ずっと易しい ear infection -----> 耳感染、つまり中耳炎 antibiotec ------> (発音:エンタイバイオティック)-----> 抗生物質 hanging on ------> 壁にかかってい…