may-may-English diary


Oct. 1, 2021 ~ Nov. 5, 2021

Oct 1, 2021

"chestnut prickle" -----> 栗のいが
bur-----> イガ、とげ

Great grandmother-----> ひいおばあさん
Handling fee ------> 手数料



Spirit the bill ------> 別々に支払う
Ask someone to eat out ------> 食事に誘う

擬人化 anthorophmophize 

Snobbish-----> お高くとまった、はなもちならない
Versatile 万能

keep up with the Joneses------> 近所の人に負けまいと見栄を張る

Have you come across any interesting English words or expressions recently?



Oct. 22

往復ハガキ a round-trip-postcard
Double post card
Protocol -----> 手順
I hope only good things. -------> いい噂だといいけど
light display -------> イルミンーション
Keep social distance VS Social distancing
Pet peeve -----> イライラさせるもの
Thank you for in advance.------> 前もってお礼申し上げます(傲慢に聞こえる場合もあるので注意)


Oct 29 

Property ------> 不動産
Close down ----->  畳む、廃業
Commoner -common people -----> 一般人
irreplaceable  イリ/プレイサブル-------> かけがえのない
She (Mako) lost Royal status. ------> 彼女は皇室の身分を無くした
Imperial family 
relief ----> レリーフ、浮き出ている彫刻
国民性 -----> national character 
Railroad crossing ----> 踏切


Nov. 5 
Curio -----> 骨董
rerun -----> 再放送
Seeing is believing-----> 百聞は一見に如かず


Discussion Topic Recap

#1. Why do Japanese waiters or waitresses serve customers well even though there isn’t a custom of tipping?

#2. Why don’t homeless people in Japan beg for money on the streets?

#3. Why do Japanese people save babies’ umbilical cords?

#4. Why Japanese pedestrians obey the traffic lights even there are no cars around?

#5. Japanese people don’t display their family pictures in their offices. Why?

#6. Many people dry laundry outdoors. Don’t they have dryers?   


EAR Expressions

#1, music to my ears

Meaning: Great news

Ex) When the boss said I’d be getting a raise next year, that was music to my ears!

#2, play it by ear

Meaning: improvise

Ex): I don’t really know what to bring to the party. Well, I’ll play it by ear.

#3, I’m all ears

Meaning: keen to listen

Ex): I’d love to hear about your trip to Indonesia. I’m all ears!

#4, in one ear, out the other

Meaning: heard, but not remembered

Ex): When Chris starts complaining about work, it’s in one ear, out the other.

#5, not believe your eyes/ears

Meaning: someone is very surprised by something they see or hear

Ex) I couldn't believe my ears when she said they were getting divorced.