may-may-English diary


2021/ March 5/ March 12

March 5

Shoot from the hip
I have a short fuse
Impulsive / impulsive shopper
Buyer’s regret/ remorse -自責の念
big mouse - talk too much おしゃべりな
Big talk/ cocky/ brag
Tall tales- stretch the truth
Paul Bunyan - lumberjack
Add fuel to the fire

Just breath/ take a deep breath
✖️take it easy. Calm down.

You shouldn’t shake your finger.
Thank you. You’re welcome.
Of course- sure, sure anytime.
Don’t worry.
Never mind -使わない
It really doesn’t matter.
DD designated driver 指名されたドライバー
What a difference a day.

May 12

In for a dime in for a dollar
Once invested in a project you must finish, even if it costs more than expected

Maybe your girlfriend with the big mouth can fill us in.
Filling the gaps answer questions

I will give my two cents worth.
Two cents - my opinion.
Penny pincher - tight,
tightwad, cheap skate, thrifty
Today, I’m a penny pincher.
Stop on a dime- short fast stop 即座に止まる
Tail, head, fillip coin, coin toss
Tail in 裏
Face value
You can’t polish a turd.
You can sprinkle it with glitter.