may-may-English diary


2019/ 06/ 12 Book Club

The Great Gatsby  by F. Scott Fitzgerald 


Words and expressions


So clean you can eat off of it. : very clean

eat off VS eat on

eat off : テーブルに置いてあるものを手やフォークを使って食べる

eat on: 顔をテーブルに近づけて直接食べる


out of his league : 高嶺の花

womanizer : 女ったらし

adequate: 適正な、適切な

manipulate : 操作する、コントロールする

manipulate our mind 

puppy love : 幼い恋

take the blame : 罪をかぶる



He knew that Daisy was extraordinary but...... (Chapter 8)

# What makes Gatsby think that she was extraordinary? 

# What does 'nice girl' mean? 

# Is it true that Daisy causes a hit-and-run accident?