may-may-English diary


2019/ 05 /17 May English club

words and expressions 


thrifty ------> (形容詞)倹約的な、つつましい

frugality ------->( 名詞)倹約、質素

obituary --------> お悔み欄

burst into laughing / burst out laughing -------> 爆笑する

supporting actor --------> 脇役

disgusting ------> (形容詞)人、物、出来事がむかつく、非常に不快な

ソフトクリーム------> soft serve ice cream

blockbuster -------> 大ヒット(映画、本)、興行的に成功した作品



How do you say "映画館で映画を見るとうちで見るより迫力がある" in English? 

------> It is more impressive to watch movies at the theater and the sound is better. 

-------> If you see a movie in a movie theather, it has more impact and the sound is better. 




#1. Describe your favorite movie.

#2. Describe the difference between watching a movie at home and at a movie theater.