may-may-English diary


2019/3/29 May English Club

words and expressions


cruise ----->  to travel on a boat or ship to a number of places as a vacation

He dreams of cruising the Mediterranean.

狂犬病------> rabies 

狂犬病の犬------> a mad dog

狂犬病のワクチンのため犬を獣医さんへ連れて行きます----> I'm taking my dog to the vet’s for a rabies vaccination.


thrifty------>  managing or using money in a careful or wise way

frugal ------> using money or supplies in a very careful way

stingy ----->ケチな、せこい


What would you say '入湯税’ in English?  ------>  bathing tax or spa tax?

評判------> reputation

口コミ------> word of mouth 

結婚する------> get hitched / get married

摂食障害(拒食症、過食症)-------> eating disorders

甘党-----> a sweet tooth 

迎え酒-----> have a hair of the dog

気の小さい、臆病な------> timid

衝動的行為------> impulse 

He bought a new computer on impulse.

出かけたくてウズウズする--------> get itchy feet 

微妙な(芸術作品などが)------> sensitive

微妙な(はっきりしない)------> unclear

微妙な(不確かな、疑わしい)------> iffy 

微妙な(とらえにくい)-------> subtle



#1. Membership hotel and cottage.

#2. Have you ever experienced any addiction?  How long did it last?  How did you recover?