may-may-English diary


2019/ 08/ 02 May English club

words and expressions 

情報操作-----> media manipulation

内部告発者------> wistle-blower 

(戦争に関する)中立状態-----> neutrality 

中立的な立場をとる、どっちつかず------> sit on the fence

賛成か反対かの優柔不断-------> wishy washy

臭いものに蓋をする------> sweep something under the rug / keep a lid on 

ãsweep something under the rugãã®ç»åæ¤ç´¢çµæ

自衛隊------> self defense force



Discussion Topics

1. Takashi Tachibana, head of the anti-NHK party, who won a seat in the election of the House of Councillors with the sole platform of abolishing the current mandatory payment of subscription fee to the public broadcaster.


platform----- 政策

Abolishing------- 撤廃する

subscription fee ---- 受信料

公共放送------ public broadcasting



#1. Their platform is to move NHK from a mandatory fee model to a “scramble broadcast” model, where only customers with TVs who elect to pay the annual fee get NHK’s programming. What do you think about it? It’s a good idea or bad idea?


#2, The pros and cons ofscramble broadcast” model, like WOWWOW.




2. Kodansha has decided to not reprint the picture book “Vehicles” for 3-6 years old because there are pictures of tanks Armoured fighting vehicles, combat aircrafts, and vehicles like that in the book. They consider those vehicles for kids inappropriate.



#1. What do you think what you read?