may-may-English diary


2020/02/21 May English Club

I'd like to discuss a rental bicycle in our city, called “xxx-chari” with you all today.

It's a free bicycle service offered my city and the city's Chamber of Commerce and Industry. When you use one, you insert 100 yen to unlock the key box. There are some bike stations in the city, so you can return it to the other stations and by inserting the key box, your 100 yen coin will be returned. This is a great system for shoppers and travelers around the city. However, there are some problems that we should consider about it.

There are some rules when you use this bike. The hours of availability are from 9 am to 10 pm, and you are allowed to ride it only around the area which the city decided. In addition, you don't damage or vandalize it. Something like that.

The rules aren't that strict, right? However, some users don't follow them. For example, some bad-mannered users ride it outside the designated areas and vandalize it to get their 100 yen coin and abandon it.

I think the problem is that the users ride out of the area as if it was their own bicycle, so I call the bike center if I come across an abandoned bike outside the area.

I'm concerned about the spreading of violation. If we ignore a minor offense, the number of criminals will probably increase, and then we might create monsters.

Have you ever heard of "Broken Windows Theory"?

The theory is that if a window in a building is broken and is left unrepaired, all the rest of the windows will soon be broken because it signifies that nobody is paying attention to the building. It's easy to commit a crime.

Let's continue to talk about the abandoned bikes. At the first time, the bike user has no offense when they ride the bike and don't return it to the port. They must believe it's not a big deal. The second time, they might break the bike to get the coins inside. Do you follow me?

This present system might go wrong in the future and cause many people to be against the rules. I'm thinking about mailing the City Hall, but before that, let me know your opinion.



Vandalize:  to deliberately destroy or damage (property)

Designated: to officially give (someone or something) a particular role or purpose

Abandon: to leave and never return to

come across: to meet or find (something or someone) by chance

spreading of violation: spreading of the act of doing something that is not allowed by a law or rule

Signifies: to show (your feelings, intentions, opinions, etc.) by doing something


"Broken Windows Theory"



biochemical weapon





uniform -- 均一

How do you say 終息する in English?

settle down / come to end / cease / stop 





2010/02/04 May English Club

alibai (発音:アラバイ)
Sweet, unsweet
Some students practice their English online instead of their local schools. Do you think the number of such students will increase in the future?

2020/ 01/ 24 May English Club


アパレル Apparel ペーロー(発音注意)
Twinkies— twins
Generic  - twins@  --- Patent 特許
Rip-off -ぼったくり、法外な料金を請求する ,over-charge, stealing an idea
Bias 偏見
UNIQLO ユニキュロ(発音注意)
Doesn’t tear down / Still good condition
wearable 身に付ける
stink ---質が悪い、臭い
Durable 耐久性がある
Angel food cake, egg white only - 日本でいうスポンジケーキ
sponge cake, whole egg
餅つき pound steamed rice to make rice cake
Knead -Kneading こねる
bizarre spelling
Caramelized カーマライズド
Carmel カーマァル
フリーサイズ one-size -fits-all , one-size-fits-most
フリートーク free discussion , open discussion
Loose discussion
Loose fit
ベスト10-----> Top 10 
ホームドラマ-------> family drama
ベンチ入りする ------> First string (先発レギュラーメンバー
Bench warmer, alternate
ベッドタウン-------> suburbs
ザコン男------> mother's boy, mama's boy
Service road -- 商店などがたくさん並んでいるような主要道路
Passerby----> 通行人、通りがかりの人
Rubberneck ------> 物珍しそうに見る、運転している人がほかのドライバーの事故を首を回してみる様子から



2020/ 01 /21 English group lesson


Little Red Riding Hoodを絵を見ながら説明する



赤ずきんちゃん--------> Little red riding hood

*Riding Hoodとは乗馬用のマントのこと

フード付きの服------> hoody(フーディ―)

言葉、文章で説明する。絵を言葉で表現する(描写する)-----> describe

ずる賢い------> sly

ずる賢い狼-------> a sly wolf --------(2度目に使うときは the sly wolf)

悪い狼-------> a bad wolf---------(2度目に使うときはthe bad wolf or the wolf or He)

だます(動詞)-------> deceive

外見は人を欺くことがある、外見は当てにならない-----> Looks can be deceiving.

外見で人を判断してはいけない------> Never judge a book by its cover. 

ふりをする--------> pretend

不正直な(形容詞)-------> dishonest

賢さ、利口さ(名詞)------> cleverness 

欲張り、がめつい-------> greedy

世間知らずな、だまされやすい(形容詞)・幼い子供、間抜けな(名詞)----> innocent

むき出しの、皮が剥がれた(形容詞)------> skinned

(服が)厚手の・太った--------> chunky

小道------> path / trail

(小さな丸石)石畳------> cobblestone(コブルストウン)

砂利--------> gravel (グラヴゥル)

注意散漫な--------> distracted

指示に従わない(動詞)---------> disobey

(子供を)叱る(動詞)------> scold 

曲がりくねった木--------> twisted tree

リス---------> squirrel (スクワーレル)

(植物の)つる------> vine (ヴァイン)

血管-------> vein (ヴェイン)

うぬぼれの強い(形容詞)------> vain (ヴェイン)

自分勝手-------> selfish 

猟師------> a hunter 



この映画はとても良い------> This movie is so good.


これはとても良い映画だ------>This is such a good movie. 



take ------> その場所へ持っていくまではtake

わたしはおばあ様に食べ物を持っていきます(未来形)-----> I'll take some food for / to my grandmother. 


(おばあ様の玄関についたら)あなたのために食べ物を持ってきました-----> "I brought some food for you!"


(Little red Riding Hoodの中で使えそうな基本的な動作の表現)

赤ずきんちゃんのお母さんは赤ずきんちゃんにおばあ様へ食べ物を持っていくように頼みました-------> Little Red Riding Hood's mother asked her to take some food for her grandmother. (her= Little Red Riding Hood)

突然、オオカミが彼女のそばに現れました------> Suddenly, the wolf appeared beside her. 

帽子をとってあいさつする-------> tip one's hat

そのずる賢いオオカミは帽子をとってあいさつしました-------> The sly wolf is tipping his hat. 

そのオオカミは「どこへ行くの」と彼女に尋ねました------> The wolf asked her, "Where are you going?"

そのオオカミはドアをノックしています-------> The wolf is knocking on the door. 

そのオオカミはおばあさんのふりをしました------> The wolf pretended to be her grandmother. 

赤ずきんは聞きました、「おばあ様、なんて大きい耳を持っているの(直訳)」------> Little red Riding Hood asked "Grandma, What big ears you have!"

オオカミは答えました、「お前のことを(の話を)よく聞くためだよ」The wolf replied, "The better to hear you."








2020/01/17 May English club

Jan.17. 2020

Words and expressions 

National character -------> 国民性
That’s a very nice way of putting it. -------> Nicely said, 「うまいこと言うね「」
Rip off -----> ぼったくり
Watch out for purse snatchers.
Snatchers ------> ひったくり
Declutter :to remove things you do not need from a place, in order to make it more pleasant and more useful -----> 片づける,終活
Decent ー modest

適切な、まともな/ 謙遜した、慎み深い
You scared me.>I'm surprized. 
skim the cream-----> いいとこ取り、一番いいところをとる

monarchy------> 君主制

Imperial Family------> 天皇家




Prince Harry to leave UK to live in Canada. 

What do you think about what you read?
What do you think about royal families?



2020/ 01/ 10 May English Club

Note Jan. 10th 2020
Vice President
Lieutenant :military , fire department
Associate professor
Co : cooperative
Sarge , Sargent-----> 軍曹
Grave, gravesite, tombstone, headstone, gravestone, cemetery
cremate -----> 火葬する
cremation -------> 火葬
Bail------> 保釈、保釈金、保釈させる

Carlos Ghosn granted $4.5m bail with rules on seeing wife.

brib ----> 賄賂、賄賂を贈る
He bribes the government.
Japan dropped the ball. : they lost control. へまをする
Audacious オーディシャス 大胆な、斬新な : bold
grand travel
Friendly mean
Chivalry is dead, creepy

2019/ 11/19 English group lesson

missionary :  a person who is sent to a foreign country to do religious work (such as to convince people to join a religion or to help people who are sick, poor, etc.)
a Christian missionary

hearing aid :an electronic device worn in or on the ear to help a person who has hearing problems to hear better

chestnut cake 

Before I came here

whiskers : (the definition is a small animal that is related to lions and tigers and that is often kept by people as a pet) however, during our conversation,  he used as the hair that grows on a man’s face; beard , 頬ひげ

mental disability :a condition (such as an illness or an injury) that damages or limits a person's physical or mental abilities, 精神障害

obsession : an activity that someone is very interested in or spends a lot of time doing 強迫観念,取りつかれている

driven :  very determined to succeed , 衝動や感情に突き動かされた

Any volunteers? :進んで発表してくれる人はいますか?

diabetes : 糖尿病

walking backward : 後ろ向きに歩く

coordination : 調整

obstacle(s): an object that you have to go around or over : something that blocks your path, 障害物

cats are sneaky :  behaving in a secret and usually dishonest manner, コソコソする

gingerbread : a cake or cookie made with molasses and ginger (breadと言ってもクッキーのことが多いです)

 「ginger bread」の画像検索結果


polish: to make (something) smooth and shiny by rubbing it, 磨いてつやを出す

sand (verb) :  to make the surface of something smooth by rubbing it with sandpaper , 紙やすりなどで磨く

first, sanding and then sanding

sawdust : tiny particles of wood that are formed from sawing or sanding wood

rat : a small animal that has a pointed nose and a long, thin tail

wild boar: wild pig

handy : clever or skillful in using your hands, doing small jobs, etc , 器用な

crafty : clever in usually a deceptive or dishonest way, 巧妙な、(良くない意味もあるので器用という意味ではhandyの方がいいかも?)

私は手先が器用:I'm good with my hands. 

clumsy : moving or doing things in a very awkward way and tending to drop or break things 

I'm all thumbs.: 私は不器用です

「I'm all thumbs.」の画像検索結果

passionate (adj) :having, showing, or expressing strong emotions or beliefs

She is passionate about art/music/sports.

I'm passionate about English/ ballet. 

go crazy : if an audience or group of people go crazy, they become very excited, 夢中になる

length /ˈlɛŋθ/ リングス

very impressive :見事です、素晴らしい

star-crazy :upset or angry because you have been prevented from going somewhere or doing something for a long time: 同じところに閉じ込められるとおかしくなる

cabin fever : the feeling of being angry and bored because you have been inside for too long: 閉所性発熱、同じ場所にいるとストレスでイライラする

impulsive : doing things or tending to do things suddenly and without careful thought : acting or tending to act on impulse: not much patience 


