may-may-English diary


2019/ 09/ 25 Book Club

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


miss up ----> 混乱している

reverse -----> 反対、逆

milestone(s) :a very important event or advance — usually + in -----> 画期的な出来事、節目

My wedding was a milestone in my life. (結婚は私の人生の節目だった)

Their 50th wedding anniversary was a major milestone.


stereotype  紋切型、固定概念

simplicity ------> 単純、質素

empathize -----> to have the same feelings as another person : to feel empathy for someone — often + with 共感できる、感情移入する(経験に基づいて)

sympathize -----> to feel sorry for someone who is in a bad situation : to feel sympathy for someone because you understand that person's problems  同情する、共感する

ignorance is bliss -----> 知らぬが仏

inherit / take over from -----> 引き継ぐ、継承する


My mother-in-law always laughs at a pill rolling. She is 88 years old but she looks like a child because she has dementia.


drip coffee 

trailer / mobile home -----> トレーラーハウス (トレーラーハウスはカタカナ英語)