may-may-English diary


Oct. 1, 2021 ~ Nov. 5, 2021

Oct 1, 2021

"chestnut prickle" -----> 栗のいが
bur-----> イガ、とげ

Great grandmother-----> ひいおばあさん
Handling fee ------> 手数料



Spirit the bill ------> 別々に支払う
Ask someone to eat out ------> 食事に誘う

擬人化 anthorophmophize 

Snobbish-----> お高くとまった、はなもちならない
Versatile 万能

keep up with the Joneses------> 近所の人に負けまいと見栄を張る

Have you come across any interesting English words or expressions recently?



Oct. 22

往復ハガキ a round-trip-postcard
Double post card
Protocol -----> 手順
I hope only good things. -------> いい噂だといいけど
light display -------> イルミンーション
Keep social distance VS Social distancing
Pet peeve -----> イライラさせるもの
Thank you for in advance.------> 前もってお礼申し上げます(傲慢に聞こえる場合もあるので注意)


Oct 29 

Property ------> 不動産
Close down ----->  畳む、廃業
Commoner -common people -----> 一般人
irreplaceable  イリ/プレイサブル-------> かけがえのない
She (Mako) lost Royal status. ------> 彼女は皇室の身分を無くした
Imperial family 
relief ----> レリーフ、浮き出ている彫刻
国民性 -----> national character 
Railroad crossing ----> 踏切


Nov. 5 
Curio -----> 骨董
rerun -----> 再放送
Seeing is believing-----> 百聞は一見に如かず


Discussion Topic Recap

#1. Why do Japanese waiters or waitresses serve customers well even though there isn’t a custom of tipping?

#2. Why don’t homeless people in Japan beg for money on the streets?

#3. Why do Japanese people save babies’ umbilical cords?

#4. Why Japanese pedestrians obey the traffic lights even there are no cars around?

#5. Japanese people don’t display their family pictures in their offices. Why?

#6. Many people dry laundry outdoors. Don’t they have dryers?   


EAR Expressions

#1, music to my ears

Meaning: Great news

Ex) When the boss said I’d be getting a raise next year, that was music to my ears!

#2, play it by ear

Meaning: improvise

Ex): I don’t really know what to bring to the party. Well, I’ll play it by ear.

#3, I’m all ears

Meaning: keen to listen

Ex): I’d love to hear about your trip to Indonesia. I’m all ears!

#4, in one ear, out the other

Meaning: heard, but not remembered

Ex): When Chris starts complaining about work, it’s in one ear, out the other.

#5, not believe your eyes/ears

Meaning: someone is very surprised by something they see or hear

Ex) I couldn't believe my ears when she said they were getting divorced.


From May 25 to July 2

May 25

Think outside the box -----> 既成概念にとらわれず物事を考える

loaner vehicle ------> 代車
Extrovert -----> 外向性の人
You can’t polish a turd, but you can sprinkle it with glitter. ------> 元々うんちなどのようなものはきれいにすることができない、無駄な努力

— practice makes perfect, but…. 


June 11

Social media ------> SNS
Crowd baths ---->?
No strings -----> ひもなし 条件無し

The Belt and Road Initiative ------> 一帯一路
Rapid progress-----> 急速な進展
Magic bullet------> 特効薬

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. ------> 捕らぬ狸の皮算用

Evidence -----> 証拠


#1、Should We Keep Wearing Masks Even After the Pandemic Ends?



June 18

利き腕 -----> dominant / right handed
merge ------> 合併 
goes around comes around -----> 付けが回る,因果応報
You dress up to the nines. ------> 完璧に着飾る
hindsight 20/20


 “20/20” は 視力検査でのスコアのことで、メガネなどでの矯正を必要としない視力を意味する

つまり、“hindsight is 20/20” は「振り返って見れば物事が良く見える」という意味で、つまり「物事が起きた後から見れば、過去の判断が正しかったか間違いだったかを言うのは簡単だが、逆に未来を予想するのは難しい」という意味


Better than nothing ------>枯れ木も山の賑わい


June 25

Homographs & Heteronym

#1, The bandage was wound around the wound.


#2, The farm was used to produce produce.


#3, We must polish the Polish furniture.


#4, The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.


#5, Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.


#6, When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.


#7, I did not object to the object.


#8, The insurance was invalid for the invalid.


#9, There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.


#10, They were too close to the door to close it.


#1, The bandage was wound around the wound.


#2, The farm was used to produce produce.


#3, We must polish the Polish furniture.


#4, The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.


#5, Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.


#6, When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.


#7, I did not object to the object.


#8, The insurance was invalid for the invalid.


#9, There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.


#10, They were too close to the door to close it.



July 2

Beaming-----> (形容詞)光り輝く、喜びに満ちた

beam-----> 梁
Juggle (他動詞)------> 複数のものを同時に操作する、両立する

陰謀 conspiracy
Opinion leader-----> オピニオンリーダーインフルエンサー
Barring ------> がなければ
materialize -----> 具体化される
Hindsight is 20/20 -------> 後悔先に立たず
contract violation ------> 契約違反

breach ------> 違反、破棄

contract a breach with .... ------> ~との契約を破棄する

bleach ------> 漂白
Bulletin ------>(官公庁からの) 公報、ニュース速報、(定期的に出す)会報、教会の礼拝などの式次第

bulletin board ------> 掲示
Push forward -----> 前に突き進む



#1, Cristiano Ronaldo Coca-Cola controversy: Euro 2020 press conference incident explained


Cristiano Ronaldo, a Portugal star soccer player, removed two Coca-Cola bottles and called on a bottle of water in the Euro 2020 press conference. This happened on June 16th. He is a renowned health fanatic, so he never has soda or sugared drinks. Coca-Cola's share price dropped after Ronaldo's gesture.

Fanatic; a person who is very enthusiastic about something


#2, Money, money, money: The cost of Tokyo's pandemic-delayed Olympics


Despite local opposition amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Tokyo Olympic Games that were postponed last year will get under way in exactly a month - barring "Armageddon", as one International Olympic Committee member said.

But the delay so far has been expensive in various ways. Here are some areas where costs have grown, and where income that had been expected will not materialize.




From April 30 to June 4 2021

April 30

Revolution -----> 革命
Missile crisis ------> ミサイル危機

Dispatch ------->送る、派遣する
Replication   ------> 複製
contract -------> 契約
Rerun ------> 再放送

May 7

I was dehydrated. ------->脱水になった
Cats are nocturnal. -------> ネコ科は夜行性
Contribution -------> 投稿
Neurology --------> 神経学
Trust --------> 信用
prime time -------> ゴールデンタイム(テレビの視聴時間の人気時間)
Golden years-------> 老後

Lawns 芝
Flower proliferation ------> 拡散、増殖

exhibition ー Only looking - ✖️only watching
Reprication -----> レプリカ 
conpost -------> コンポスト(英語)


May 21

Her dress doesn’t leave much for the imagination. ------> showing too much

see through ------>シースルー、透けて見える
Sheer -----> 透けるほど薄い
Transparent ------> 透き通った、透明な
Distinguish ------->消火

What do you say 丸投げ in English?  ------> Japanese government left all the work to each cities. 
get off the truck ------->  話が脱線する

BS ------>  bullshit
BS (日本では)-------> broadcast satellite

CS (CS放送)------> Communication satellite
Insult ------> 侮辱する

Gas-eater (car) ------> 高燃費の車
Hi octane gas premium ------> ハイオク (オクタンク)
Low octane

May 28

top secret ------> 極秘
Acrobat -----> アクロバット
Rappelled from the heli ------> ラッペリング(仏語)ヘリからの懸垂下降
Safety line ------> ヘリコプターから懸垂加水するときに使うロープのようなもの
Safety vest ------> 安全ベスト
sash-------> サシェ、たすき
Regift ------> 誰かからもらったプレゼントを他の誰かにあげる(「となりのサインフェルド」で使われた)
To rob Peter, to pay Paul -----> 一方から奪ってた方へ返す(キリスト教からきた言葉)
DVR -------> degital video recorder
Smear------> 塗りつける、スメアー
Rich people come first
Grace period ------> 猶予期間(借金やローン)


June 4
nurtured -------> 促進される,育てる
recitation -------> 朗読

reading aloud ------> 朗読

read a book aloud------> 本の朗読

"We went to a public reading of the poem."=「詩の朗読会に行きました。」

"We went to a public performance of the poem."=「詩の朗読劇に行きました。」

beat me- I have no idea.

You beat me. -----> やられた
Consult ------> (専門家に)尋ねる、相談する


consulting room

fever reducer ------> 解熱剤
Immune depression-------> 免疫抑制
Resilient -------> 復元できる 回復できる


#1. What do you think is the best way to learn new words and expressions?

#2. What would you say is the hardest thing about learning English?


2021/ March 5/ March 12

March 5

Shoot from the hip
I have a short fuse
Impulsive / impulsive shopper
Buyer’s regret/ remorse -自責の念
big mouse - talk too much おしゃべりな
Big talk/ cocky/ brag
Tall tales- stretch the truth
Paul Bunyan - lumberjack
Add fuel to the fire

Just breath/ take a deep breath
✖️take it easy. Calm down.

You shouldn’t shake your finger.
Thank you. You’re welcome.
Of course- sure, sure anytime.
Don’t worry.
Never mind -使わない
It really doesn’t matter.
DD designated driver 指名されたドライバー
What a difference a day.

May 12

In for a dime in for a dollar
Once invested in a project you must finish, even if it costs more than expected

Maybe your girlfriend with the big mouth can fill us in.
Filling the gaps answer questions

I will give my two cents worth.
Two cents - my opinion.
Penny pincher - tight,
tightwad, cheap skate, thrifty
Today, I’m a penny pincher.
Stop on a dime- short fast stop 即座に止まる
Tail, head, fillip coin, coin toss
Tail in 裏
Face value
You can’t polish a turd.
You can sprinkle it with glitter.

Book Club / The Little Prince

What is husky fit jeans? がっちり体形用ジーンズ?
Husky is the boys' equivalent to girls' plus size clothing - just like big and tall is the men's equivalent to women's plus. Typically, husky clothes offer a roomier fit through the waist, hips, and thighs for growing boys who need a little extra room around the middle.

accountability 説明責任 partners
 It was difficult for them to conceive. 妊娠する

 Pure like a white notebook.

2021 Feb / English club


申し子 -----> a child of~  / 時代の申し子-----> a child of our age
忍耐------> Perseverance 
ピンからキリまで-----> from excellent to very bad

Durable -----> 耐久性のある
百聞は一見に如かず-----> Seeing is believing/ A picture is worth a thousand words
肩こり------> Stiff shoulder
とばっちり-----> catch in the backlash


Feb 26

短気、我慢できないこと------> Impatience

せっかちな人------> impatient person
Jump into a conclusion ------> 早とちり
shot from the hip-----> 考えずに衝動的に行動する
Flat relationship-----> 対等な立場で話し合える関係

"The family man" 「天使のくれた時間」

"Groundhog Day" 「恋はデジャ・ブ」
She highly recommens "Green book."


Jan.28, Feb 5, 2021

Show me the flag.
security guard

Bias - unfair judgement
prejudices - judging without person - Mori

Does a bear shit in the woods?
The pope is also a Catholic bear that dumps in the woods.

Fueled speculation
Opening ceremony


Cost an arm and a leg

Things I Bought